Hey there! Have you been feeling down lately? The I’m-so-exhausted-by-mere-existing has been gradually mounting in my case and I just really feel that I need that break!
What I am going to do with myself? – Are maybe the words that are going through your head right now. Maybe it’s the money situation, maybe it’s health, maybe you don’t know what you want to do in regards to your career… There is literally a ton of stuff that can go wrong and can weigh you down until you get to the point of desperation and overall exhaustion.
If you’ve been feeling like you have been sucked dry from happiness and deprived form energy so unjustly, I have the perfect recipe for you called ME TIME.
But what’s a “Me Time”? How to do that?
Shockingly, we tend to forget that we don’t need others’ company or a significant other to give our life that drive and strength. To do a Me time you only need yourself and a little time. (by little I mean take all the time you can get/need to get back to the old you, and you know which one – the invincible version!)
Conquer the world! But empty your head first
Yes, it doesn’t make sense, but if you stop and think about it, you’ll realize that it has perfect sense!
Have the ambition to achieve something? Before you make a plan and come up with a strategy so cool no one can beat you, you need to clear your head first.
Sometimes you have to step back, put yourself away from the thing that you’re doing, so you can allow yourself to get back to it with a refreshed outlook.
Tell yourself encouraging stuff: that being self-sufficient, both mentally and emotionally, is a good thing. When you are okay with yourself, you’ll be in the right place to start carving your path.
Go for a walk
Step outside and just start walking – the destination is wherever your feet take you! Get out of the house if there are lots of things going on that have been weighing you down or affected you to burn out way sooner than you thought. Distancing yourself will help you look at the situation from a different position.

Rekindle your creativity ✨
If you like DIY projects this should definitely be on your list! Play around and create something in your house that you’ve been wanting to do for ages. Grab something to paint, cut decorations for your bedroom or office space, start crocheting a beanie (it would be done by winter if you start now!), create some art – just get it started!
Treat yourself, no tricks
“Money doesn’t grow on trees!”
Yeah, you’ve probably heard that one before from your parents (who else) and now you are convinced that they were totally right about this one!
But, it’s not a crime if you give yourself a big fat present every once in a while, like spend money on food that may not afford to have as a meal every day. Or if you’ve been eyeing that jacket that would totally go with your favorite boots – listen to that “It’s ME time” voice that says you to go for it!
Think about what is a treat for you: maybe a new thriller book, PS5 and endless hours of adventure, horror, and action-filled atmosphere, or that expensive gear that you have been saving up for.
The TREAT is different for everyone.

Go besties with your pillow
If you feel exhausted all the time, maybe you just need a nap?
We’re all different! You probably know someone who can sleep 5 hours and be sharp all day, work, have fun and play games, go to sleep and do the thing all over again. Others need at least 2 more hours of sleep.
If you fall into the other group, there’s nothing wrong with you. And don’t feel guilty about it. You’re not missing out much. When you are well rested your body has more energy and your brain is serving you right. And that’s exactly what you want!
If you ask me, there is always a need for ME TIME and it will always do you good! Don’t wait until you have burned to take a break!
And start looking forward to spending time with yourself!
Photo credits:
Feature image: Mental Health America (MHA)
Images: Nick Collins, Vlada Karpovich from Pexels