It is normal to feel unwell, gloomy, or angry at times. Everyday stressful situations that happen to you, whether at work, college, school, or in your private life, have consequences for your mental and physical health.
Reaction to different situations mainly depends on your temperament, but it also depends on the environment.
To feel more relaxed and positive in every moment of our lives, we must first and foremost welcome a change in ourselves and our habits.
Check out this list that we have prepared that is going to help you improve and maintain your emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

1. Find a hobby
Emptiness and lack of content in your daily life processes are fertile ground for negative thoughts and anxiety. If you don’t have a hobby or are tired of what you do every day, try to find a new sphere of interest or maybe learn a new skill. Let it be something casual that gives you pleasure. This will enrich the content of your everyday life and help you improve your mental health.
2. Move for a mental health refresh
Try to exercise every day, as it will help you reduce stress and anxiety, positively affect your health, and lead to more energy. Exercise is not only working out in the gym, performing cardio moves, or lifting weights. Find some physical activity (running, cycling, climbing, etc.) that you enjoy and can practice without restraining outside factors. If you are not a sports type, you can try daily walks of at least 45 minutes a day.
3. Be kind to yourself
Treat yourself the way you treat the people you love. Try to encourage yourself in every situation instead of constantly criticizing. Accept yourself rather than feel like a failure when you make mistakes or when your wishes don’t come to fruition.

4. Help others
If you can help someone who needs help, do it! Research has shown that this behavior activates the brain’s reward system, same as food and sex. It is no wonder you will feel much better after helping others.
However, it is how we help others that is important and gives value to our lives. More likely than not, helping makes us happy when we can envision how our help can better someone’s life or make a difference.
5. Connect with others
Keep in touch with family members and close friends, and try to do it every day. In this way, you will maintain social connections, and you will feel safe and supported at all times.
6. Avoid alcohol and psychoactive substances
Using alcohol and psychoactive substances will not cure emotional problems. On the contrary, they can exacerbate the effects of certain conditions, including anxiety and depression.

7. Include a morning drinking routine
Every morning, you should find time to prepare a cup of warm drink. During this time, remedial tea or some other warm beverage like cocoa or coffee or will help detoxify the body. A warm drink is essential as it gives a feeling of security, calmness and tells the stomach that everything is ok and that you are entering a peaceful and organized day.
8. Eat healthily
Do’s: Eat regularly, have breakfast, eat fruits and vegetables, and drink enough water.
Don’ts: Overeat, eat a lot of sugar, eat too little and irregularly.
Healthy food is the fuel for our body.
9. A daily dose of laughter
You’ve probably heard that laughter is healing. Watch a comedy or video that will make you relax and laugh.

10. Put your thoughts on paper
Handwriting relieves stress in a particular way. Furthermore, it helps ease down your restlessness. If you don’t feel like writing, just sit for a while and try to do nothing.
11. Reduce the use of social networks
Although life nowadays is unthinkable without using social networks, perhaps we should rethink their consequences on our feelings and overall mental health. Most often, unrealistic standards of beauty and success are set and promoted. If we fail to follow, they soon leave us with strong negative emotions, which can later turn into anxiety and depression. So remember that you are always the most beautiful and best person the way you are!
12. Forget about ego and vanity
Stop expecting other people to admire you at all costs, to accept you, and think nicely of you. If we are not able to influence something, there is no need to be upset about it. The only important thing is that you are satisfied with yourself.

13. Get enough sleep
Every person needs a different amount of rest to function. For someone, it is sufficient to sleep for 6 hours. For others, they feel rested only when they have 9 hours of sleep. Listen to your body and afford it enough rest. Try to get into the habit of lying down and getting up at the same time every day.